
Got Questions?

What is Got Questions?

Got Questions 是否有一个项目为学生提供一站式平台,让他们在新学期中快速找到问题的答案. 

On the first couple of days of each semester, 请留意我们在校园各个站点的“问题解答”工作人员和学生志愿者. They are there to help you find where you need to be, answer general questions, and provide an overall welcoming face and support.   

Have questions throughout the year? No problem! Ask them on the BSU Mobile App’s Got Questions Wall! 发布您的问题,我们的目标是有我们的团队成员在48个工作小时内回答. Download the BSU Mobile App today!

gotquestions@mokmingsky.com and through content on the Got Questions website.



Frequently Asked Questions

我有面对面的课程,但我不知道我的教室在哪里? How do I find it?

Please reference BSU’s Campus Map.


Who do I contact if I have technology issues?

If you have issues with any one of your devices, 联系位于图书馆底层的IT服务部. Call them at 508.531.2555 or email them at itsupport@mokmingsky.com.


What do I do if Blackboard crashes on me?

如果Blackboard在您上崩溃-请联系IT服务部508.531.2555 or email them at itsupport@mokmingsky.com.


Who do I contact if I need to update my class schedule?

Before updating your class schedule, 你应该首先联系你指定的指导老师,并与他们讨论任何更改.

如果您在添加/删除后退出课程,您将进入 Registrar's Bridgenet site and fill out the “Course Withdrawal Form.” You can call them at 508.531.1231 or email them at registration@mokmingsky.com between the hours of 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.

如果你要在添加/删除过程中更改一个类,那么你只需去InfoBear,在添加/删除类功能中自己添加或删除一个类. 注册办公室将从你的账户中撤回课程, only AFTER you submit the add/drop request.


What happens if I can’t get into my online class?

If you are having issues getting into your online class, 你应该立即给你的教授发邮件,让他们知道你有问题. 如果问题仍然存在-您应该联系IT服务部门寻求帮助,电话为508.531.2555 or email them at itsupport@mokmingsky.com.



如果你的教授没有出现在预定的课堂部分, 一定要检查你的电子邮件和/或教学大纲,看看课程是否被取消了.

如果课程是在线的,确保你使用了正确的链接. 如果您使用正确的链接,并有正确的时间, 一定要给你的教授发邮件,并保持通话,直到他们出现或直到指定的上课时间结束. 

If the class is in-person, please stay at your location until your professor shows up, 直到您收到他们取消课程的通知或直到指定的上课时间结束.


When should I get to my class?



How long do I have to get to my class?

Each class has a designated start time. You should be at your class at that start time. 如果你有问题进入你的面对面或虚拟课程, 一定要给你的教授发邮件,并联系508的IT服务部门寻求帮助.531.2555 or email them at itsupport@mokmingsky.com if needed.


What happens if I test positive for COVID-19?

如果你的COVID-19检测呈阳性,你必须进行隔离, please contact your professors to make arrangements. For more information, please visit BSU’s COVID site.

如有任何其他问题、意见或疑虑,请致电508与健康中心联系.531.1252 or email them at wellnesscenter@mokmingsky.com.




I don’t have access to laptop/computer or internet access. What do I do if my classes are virtual?

麦克斯韦图书馆一楼(逸夫道入口)对电脑开放. 此外,图书馆借阅台有借阅设备,如.e., laptops, Chromebooks, iPads, wireless hotspots, etc. available for you to borrow. 欲知详情,请致电508与借阅处联络.531.1392 or visit BSU’s loaner devices page.

You can also contact IT Services for assistance at 508.531.2555 or email them at itsupport@mokmingsky.com.


When are my professor's office hours?

每位教授都有自己的办公时间,以便学生在课外提问和获得帮助. You can find office hours on the class syllabus. 如果你对教授的办公时间有疑问,请直接给教授发邮件.


Who do I contact to get a hotspot Wi-Fi router?

欲领取热点Wi-Fi路由器,请致电508与借阅台联系.531.1392 or visit BSU’s loaner devices.


Where do I go to get my Connect Card?

If you have not gotten your connect card yet, 你应该打电话给停车服务和接驳卡办公室508.531.2897 or email them at connectcard@mokmingsky.com.


Where do I go to find out what is happening on campus?

欲了解更多校园活动信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版 Events page on EngageBSU.


What is a syllabus and where do I find it?


When is add/drop for the semester?

为了获得全额退款,学生必须在加/退截止日期之前退课. Please visit the registrar's add/drop deadlines Bridgenet site for the schedule and links to add/drop forms.


Does my meal plan roll over?

你的饮食计划可以延续到下个学期(从秋季到春季,而不是从春季到秋季)。. 展期只适用于学年,而不适用于日历年. For more information on meal plans, please visit the BSU Dining website.


Do my Flex Dollars roll over?

Your Flex Dollars DO roll over into the following semester. For more information on Flex Dollars, please visit Connect Card Services.


What dining options are there on campus?

查看校园内可用的餐饮选择,他们的菜单等,请ladbrokes立博中文版 BSU Dining.


Where can I park on campus? How do I get a parking decal?

有关校园停车场的更多信息以及如何申请停车贴花,请ladbrokes立博中文版 Parking Services.


I want to join a student club or organization. Where do I go?

All registered student organizations are listed on our EngageBSU site.

Don't see something that matches your interests? That’s ok! 你可以ladbrokes立博中文版Rondileau学生会的学生参与中心(103室),了解更多关于如何创建自己的学生组织的信息.


I am struggling in my classes academically. Where can I go to get support?

BSU提供广泛的学术支持服务 Academic Achievement Center. You can visit their Learning Assistance BridgeNet page for more information.


由于我的残疾,我在课堂上可能需要帮助. Where do I go to get support?

You will want to contact our Student Accessibility Services  (SAS) 尽快通知我们的部门,以帮助协调BSU的住宿安排. You can visit the SAS BridgeNet site for more information.


When do we move onto campus? What should I bring with me? How do I get a roommate?

Our Office of Residence Life and Housing (RLH) is here to support you with all aspects of living on campus.  The RLH BridgeNet site has a lot of great resources. If you have more specific questions, 你可以打电话给他们508-531-1277或发邮件到 ResLife@mokmingsky.com.


I am a commuter student living off-campus. Are there resources for me?

Of course! Our Office of Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services is here to support all your commuter student needs. 一定要去看看他们在朗迪洛学生会的办公室(007室) Off-Campus and Commuter Services BridgeNet page for more information.


我对我的账单有疑问,或者想建立一个付款计划. Who do I contact?

Our Office of Student Accounts 如果您对账单或账户上的费用有疑问,我们会帮助您吗. You can also check out the Student Accounts BridgeNet site for more information.


I have a question about my financial aid award. Who do I contact?

You should contact the Office of Financial Aid at finaid@mokmingsky.com 或508-531-1341询问有关您的经济援助奖的问题.

Did you know? 每个学生按其姓氏分配一名经济援助顾问. You can find out who your financial aid counselor is. 有关BSU财政援助流程的更多资源和信息,请查看 Office of Financial Aid’s BridgeNet site.


I need to waive the school’s health insurance. How do I do that?

Due to Massachusetts law, 你需要支付学校的健康保险或提交一份豁免表格 each academic year if you have your own insurance. You can view more information and submit an online waiver form.


我知道由于个人原因,我将会意外缺席我的课. What do I do?

Be sure to reach out to your professors about the absence, and if you need additional support, please contact our Student Outreach 她是学生生活部的主任,可以帮助你顺利完成申请.

Did you know? BSU拥有广泛的资源来支持你生活的各个方面. You can learn more about many of these by visiting our Student Resource Bridgenet page.

Contact Information